As the world evolves, so does our thinking and expectations on what we believe to be a good/modern website design.
So, what can we expect in 2022 for websites? Looking back at the past we can see that we have moved from very basic coded website design through to more modern multi device websites. As the years have progressed a more enhanced logic and thinking has been developed and just having information on a static website page is no longer enough.
By always keeping an eye on the future will make sure that a website does not quickly fall out of style.

User experience will continue to be a massive driving force with all websites, this is often easily overlooked but should always be included within the development progress for any website. It has always been said that you have 10 seconds to impress a website user before they either move away from your website or continue to other pages. If your users cannot find the information they require and quickly then you may be losing business. This can easily be achieved with clear text areas and a clear navigational system.

What next for website design? Well now we find the development of websites moving on in the next evolutional step. With faster internet speeds and a more enhanced coding knowledge we believe the standard static website will quickly look old. Animation and movement will start to play an even bigger part in modern website design and if we ask ourselves “who doesn’t like animation”, we will find most will answer with the same “WE DO”.
Animation in websites can come in many different ways and can easily be implemented in to any modern website:
Sliding & fading elements is always an easy way to start and will make a big difference. When users enter the website, they will notice text and images appearing In front of them and be more willing to explore your website further.
Video elements are now becoming easier to implement within websites, this is primarily due to internet speeds and server speeds. No longer would a user have to wait for a video to buffer before playing, now videos on websites are appealing as they can play almost instantly from a user entering the website.
Animated elements and icons will be a big element in 2022, with the availability of code like lottie.js and babalon.js all website designers can add that fun element.
As web designers we always like to make sure we are moving forward with the latest trends while keeping in mind that a design should fit the purpose/message and not the other way round.